Garbh + Sanskar is Garbh Sanskar.
Being pregnant is truly one of the most beautiful, wonderful (and hard) experiences you’ll have in your life.
However, being pregnant also means that you pretty instantly become a vessel for advice to just be thrown at you. You have mothers and doctors advising you on what to do and what not to do, some may seem right, some may seem confusing….
Remember, you are not supposed to be in a messy situation right now and hence you have landed in the perfect place.
Pre-conception Introduction
As much as an important topic sex education is, it is treated as a taboo in the Indian society. While many young couples may not be able to discuss openly about their thoughts on family planning with the elders, it is necessary to have a support of guidance throughout this unique journey of conception as well as pre-conception!
The behaviour of an individual depends on various factors like their environment, their upbringing, the situations they are faced with and another important factor is heredity. While we cannot control the other external factors, we can mindfully influence the genetic factor! To put it simply: While we see cases of poor health conditions/poor behaviour in a child in early stages of life, one of the factors that influence such traits is the poor planning and preparation of parents right from the pre-conception stage.
Our team not only helps you to get through the pregnancy stage but also guides you right from the pre-conception stage, which might possibly show positive effects on the child and their lifestyle.
Every parent wants their child to be a good human “being”! We make all possible efforts to make them the best of a human, right from feeding them the right nutrition to picking up the right school for their best overall development. However, are we focusing on making them the best “being”?
It is where you, as a couple needs to understand what it takes to make the right child. You know that you want your new born to be healthy both physically and mentally, and have a balanced emotional and spiritual quotient. Shoot the proper shot to achieve the best being in your child.
While you know what you want but do not know how to get there, our team is ready to become the right bridge to assist you throughout your journey.
Pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood are major life choices that change things in so many ways. Life changes dramatically when you become a parent, so it only makes sense that you’d want to consider more than the physical side of pregnancy when you’re thinking about prenatal care.
Our team focuses on a holistic approach towards pregnancy which considers not only the body but also the mind and spirit, to help women enjoy a pregnancy that is healthy in all ways. Reschedule your life. It is not just the money that you are investing, it is the time that you are investing in yourself to make the best child! You can view our courses at the convenience of your home at any time you need since the classes are pre-recorded in the simplest English language for you! Take the right decision of your life of rescheduling your life with our guidance by clicking on the subscription at just Rs. 499/-.
Pregnancy and childbirth are a major life transition event. It affects your lifestyle, your behaviour, your relationships and values. Hence, it makes sense to consider body, mind and spirit during this crucial time.
A holistic approach is a way of sailing through the pregnancy stage and continuing it through and even after the childbirth. Holistic pregnancy care includes caring for mothers and babies throughout the conception stage including before and after. The need for support and care does not stop as soon as a mother gives birth, and hence our team embraces the holistic method of healthcare that treats the entire person and the baby.
Holistic Pregnancy Includes!

A holistic approach helps you maximize your physical health and minimize the common discomforts of pregnancy. Our team focuses on building physical health by ensuring that you maintain a healthy diet and properly exercise to keep yourself fit. The physical benefits derived may help result in a normal delivery, reducing the techno-medical interaction.
It is important to stay comfortable with your physical self during the pregnancy stage as the body is affected totally. This approach also involves yoga and practical therapies that are natural for the sake of maintaining one’s own health.
The first feeling of knowing that you are about to welcome a new member in the family is ineffable. But with happiness, comes a lot of responsibility. The very thought of a life-changing event can possibly be stressful sometimes. So, it is important for the to-be parents to remain emotionally strong. Most women also have periods of ambivalence, anxiety or roller-coaster emotions during pregnancy. After all, having a baby represents a great change, and this can be stressful. We help you to acknowledge those emotions and find strategies that help you reduce your stress and cope with it in a healthy way. When you cope well with stress, you experience better peace of mind, and you also reduce the harmful effects that stress can have on your physical and mental health. (Include a point on mental health)
With every new step in life, we realise that our roles are constantly changing. As to-be parents, you may realize that your life is soon going to take a turn where there is little freedom; you may not be able to spend the same amount of time on things that you used to after being a parent. If you are planning for a second child, you need to prepare them for the presence of another child in the family and also learn to expand your time and love. Most importantly, the journey of ‘being a child to someone’ is going to change to ‘becoming the parent of a child’.
In the process of planning for the pregnancy and preparing for a change, it might get difficult to set aside time for ourselves. You may find it difficult to even take a stroll in the park. In such times, it is necessary to reflect upon yourself and make time for spirituality. Meditation or prayer are such kind of things that may help to release tension. Meditation brings you oneness, helps you gain a new perspective on stressful situation. Prayer and chanting activates the seven chakras in you and calms your mind allowing the flow of thoughts that attracts positive energy and repels negativity! To stay connected with your soul is the most important thing because sometimes what your mind thinks it wants is not the same as what your soul would want. Growth is awaiting you!
The young brides would get valuable lessons on eating habits, hobbies, and lifestyles from their elders.

Geetha Bafna is the founder of Holistic Pregnancy, holistic prenatal education and birth preparation. She is a passionate, curious, playful and loving Mum. With a decade of experience she has been guiding moms to conceive and remain pregnant with ease. In her course, she enlightens mothers how to become a super mom.
Let’s take an excerpt from one of our course lessons on healthy diet. Have a glance and you will understand how we help you.
“…. Our brains function best when we eat a nutritious and balanced diet. Similarly, Good nutrition during pregnancy can help ensure that your baby gets the best start possible. The food that you eat also sets your emotions. To have a right frame of mind, select food accordingly. Shift from tongue conscious food to health-conscious food. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioural development starts as soon as he is conceived. According to Garbha sanskar, your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influences. Hence, your mental state of mind will depend upon the food you eat, and eventually it will affect the baby. If you want your baby to eat healthy rather than junk, you need to eat healthy in the first place, so that the baby is habituated with the same inside the womb itself. There’s nothing more important than the health of your baby. Thus, there’s no better time than now, to start living healthy….”
Effects on your child

If you want your child to be healthy, wealthy, loving, blissful, and spiritual...
then Garbh Sanskar or holistic pregnancy is the tool, the guide, the answer.

The purpose of Garbh Sanskar is to educate the child in the womb. Garbh Sanskar includes month wise ante-natal care, diet and regime plan according to month of pregnancy.
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September – 2022
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